Friday, April 3, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

You have heard of Hell’s kitchen. We have a bit of HEAVEN HIDDEN and served here at LBCC in the Santiam Restaurant, a fine dining gourmet experience that will enrich your taste buds. The cost would be two to three times the amount at any other gourmet restaurant.

Many people do not know about the Santiam Restaurant. Janet Jones, who is a cashier in the L.B.C.C. cafeteria, told of the gourmet restaurant hidden behind the kitchen of the cafeteria.

“I had talked to many students who had been there for as many as two years who did not know of the restaurant. The cost was half of what you would pay in most gourmet restaurants and when students call and make a reservation they get a discount,”Jones said.

Instructor Laurie Chang introduced her staff , all first- year students in the culinary program: Ryan C’Debaca, Ilene Pierce’ Freeman, Tim Maine, and Ian Kirby.

Chang was happy to talk about their new espresso machine, and share that they were serving coffee and pastry at 9:30 a.m. during the week. Lunch is served between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

Chang emphasized how they treated all of their customers equally.

”The president of the college brought state legislative representatives to enjoy their fine dining, and dining alongside of them were the students of LBCC.," Chang said.

Kirby brought up another story from the past week of an attorney who came in her slippers, to have lunch with her husband, Chang said. “She was looking into changing her career and attending LBCC to be a chef.”

The students placed each piece of every place setting as if it were laid out by a robot. One of them said I know someone comes out here and measures the place settings individually. Preparation for a fine dining experience is serious business.

What: Santiam Restaurant at L.B.C.C.

Hours: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday -Thursday

Menu: Changes daily

Reservations: Preferred though not required

Information: 541-917-4392

Top Left: Janet Jones, cashier at L.B.C.C. cafeteria, reveals location of the college Santiam Restaurant on April 2 2009.

Top Right: Culinary students Ryan C’Debaca, Tim Maine, and Ian Kirby prepare to serve their customers.

Bottom Right: Santiam Restaurant ready to recieve patrons.

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